We are writing this blog on Africa Cricket Association page because Africa Regional Cricket organization ACA is encouraging all cricket fraternity to come forward and express their opinions on regional and global Cricket.
Very recently we read an article in www.cricketinsidestories.com a cricket webpage link about an African country involved in so-called corruption allegedly in connivance with a senior manager of ICC.
Though no name was mentioned about the identity of the said country but after reading with attention figured out through hints given that apparently the article is written about alleged corruption of your member Rwanda. Also no name was mentioned of the senior manager of ICC and CWB - Cricket without boundary, allegedly involved in series of serious controversial acts and favoritism to the said African country, who perhaps turned out to be one Mr. A. Hobbs in the Trustee board of CWB and also there is a senior manager in ICC who is called Mr. Andy Hobbs. Are they the same person? Can we have the clarification because it is a very serious accusation.
We shall be very happy to know from ACA - Africa Regional cricket body about the real accuracy of the story on its member published in the webpage insinuating alleged malpractice by Rwanda apparently for financial gain.
We hope ACA leads from the front for a Clean sports in Africa.