I questioned ACA-Africa Cricket Association through my Blog if Andy Hobbs, ICC Senior Development Manager is the same person who also is named in Trustee Board of CWB-Cricket Without Boundaries? No, ACA did not clarified but I do not need further clarification.
Yes, Andy Hobbs is the same person directly involved with ICC and CWB, at least till the beginning of 2020 and ACA member Rwanda is the Country where CWB is very important partner and apparently Rwanda is involved in fudging incorrect data referred 2018/19 to ICC Development Department where Andy Hobbs is a Senior manager, for alleged financial gain.
CWB published an article on Founder-Trio friendship in its webpage just 2 days back on 21st July 2020 where the last line of the article stated very emotionally but casually:
"Ed, Andy and Chris stepped down as trustees from the charity in early 2020."
But can Andy Hobbs be relieved of responsibilities for his actions in the past as CWB Trustee Board Member?
I rest my case.
Mehroz Ali